The Wife of Noble Character: Part 4 -Proverbs 31:19-22

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Proverbs 31:19-22 (NIV)
In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

Proverbs 31:19-22 (MSG)
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking. She’s quick to assist anyone in need, reaches out to help the poor. She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows; their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear. She makes her own clothing, and dresses in colorful linens and silks.
“She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle [as she spins wool into thread for clothing]. She opens and extends her hand to the poor, and she reaches out her filled hands to the needy. She does not fear the snow for her household, for all in her household are clothed in [expensive] scarlet [wool]. She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry. Her clothing is linen, pure and fine, and purple [wool].” -AMPLIFIED

“A lack of generosity refuses to acknowledge that your assets are not really yours, but God’s.” ~Tim Keller

Today we find the text of Lemuel’s noble woman focusing on a woman who has foresight, is conscientious, productive and helps those in need. This woman does not have one lazy bone in her body. We have been told that she pushes on through the night to accomplish all of her responsibilities; and I can say with great confidence that she probably puts most of us to shame.

“Her hands skillfully place the unspun flax and wool on the distaff, and her fingers twist the spindle until thread forms. She reaches out to the poor and extends mercy to those in need. She is not worried about the cold or snow for her family, for she has clothed them all in warm, crimson coats. She makes her own bed linens and clothes herself in purple and fine cloth.” -(VOICE)

The noble woman gives an amazing example of skill and industry to her household and family. She applies herself and makes her own yarn to weave her own clothe, to create her on clothing for herself and her family. WOW! We need to take notice that what she creates is not second rate either, she designs the best of everything; covers, cushions, rugs, and clothing. She uses scarlet and purple in her dying; which were used only by the kings or those who were wealthy. (This was no second rate work, or just getting by; it was her best for her family.)

“She sews for the poor and generously helps those in need. She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for all of them. She also upholsters with finest tapestry; her own clothing is beautifully made—a purple gown of pure linen.” -(TLB)

It needs to be pointed out that this woman’s focus was not “just” on her family, but also on the poor and needy. “She reaches out to the poor and extends mercy to those in need.” Since this passage is in the midst of our noble woman sewing and creating clothing, we must assume that she is also producing clothing for the needy in her neighborhood.

I remind you of what Solomon taught us about taking care of the needy and the poor:

“Those who have contempt for their neighbors are sinners, but those who are kind to the poor are happy.” -Proverbs 14:21 (VOICE)

“Whoever cares for the poor makes a loan to the Eternal; such kindness will be repaid in full and with interest.” -Proverbs 19:17 (VOICE)

“Generous people are genuinely blessed because they share their food with the poor.” -Proverbs 22:9 (VOICE)

Moses also spoke to the people of Israel instructing them of their responsibility of taking care of the poor and needy. He told them:

“Unfortunately, there will always be poor people throughout the country. That’s why I’m giving you this command: give generously to your fellow Israelite, to the poor and needy in the land.” -Deuteronomy 15:11 (VOICE)

I remind you of what Jesus taught His followers in how they should treat others:

Think of the kindness you wish others would show you; do the same for them. Listen, what’s the big deal if you love people who already love you? Even scoundrels do that much! So what if you do good to those who do good to you? Even scoundrels do that much! So what if you lend to people who are likely to repay you? Even scoundrels lend to scoundrels if they think they’ll be fully repaid. If you want to be extraordinary—love your enemies! Do good without restraint! Lend with abandon! Don’t expect anything in return! Then you’ll receive the truly great reward—you will be children of the Most High—for God is kind to the ungrateful and those who are wicked. So imitate God and be truly compassionate, the way your Father is.” -Luke 6:31-36 (VOICE)

So, what should we be taking away as a lesson learned from the noble woman today?

1.) Be sure that you are taking the responsibility of the care of your family.
2.) Work hard and give your best to your family.
3.) Be sure that you are being generous with those in need.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
~Winston Churchill

My friend, these lessons apply to us all; not just to women. Let us be responsible and supportive of the family; for it was God Himself who instituted it. If we are not caring for our family circle, who will? And yes, there will always be the poor and needy among us. Let us take that responsibility seriously as well. God loves a cheerful giver.

“The more you give, the more comes back to you, because God is the greatest giver in the universe, and He won’t let you out-give Him. Go ahead and try. See what happens.” ~Randy Alcorn

My Prayer:
Lord, you have given me my family. Remind me that they deserve my attention and my best care; for they are my gift from you. Help me to be the example and light that I need to be within the family circle. Prompt me to be a helper to the poor and needy as well; for they too are dear to you. Remind me that when I do anything to the least of these that I do it unto you. Lord, I want to give my very best to you; that includes doing my best for those in need. Let my heart be giving in the right attitude; so that I am always bringing glory to your name, Lord.