God Holds All Authority and Power -Jeremiah 31:35

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Jeremiah 31:35 (NIV)

“This is what the Lord says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is his name…

Jeremiah 31:35 (MSG)

“God’s Message, from the God who lights up the day with sun and brightens the night with moon and stars, who whips the ocean into a billowy froth, whose name is God-of-the-Angel-Armies…”


“Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and of the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea’s roaring billows or stills the waves when they roar; the Lord of hosts is His name…” -AMPLIFIED

“God introduces Himself with extreme descriptions of His incomparable power. He is the One who gives light, the planets and stars, rules over the storms and seas, and commands heavenly armies (LORD of hosts). This statement is clearly given remarkable seriousness.” ~David Guzik

 Adonai-Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts, has declared that one day, His children will truly know Him, and they will experience His whole and complete forgiveness. God’s Message to Israel:

“No longer will one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “For I will forgive their iniquity and never again remember their sin.” -Jeremiah 31:34 (CSB)

And to put some umph behind this statement, the Lord, the Almighty, the Creator of all things, declares by whose authority these things will happen. Adonai makes this declaration of His authority:

“These are the words of the Eternal, the One who orders the sun to give light to the day, the One who directs the moon and the stars to light the night, the One who stirs up the sea so its waves churn and roar. The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, is His name.” -(VOICE)

Immediately we are informed that these words are the words of the Lord, the Eternal One. And His Message was this: “The Lord makes the sun shine in the day. And he makes the moon and stars shine at night. He stirs up the sea so that its waves crash on the shore. The Lord of heaven’s armies is his name.” -(ICB)

We find the Almighty declaring His authority and His power. He was letting Israel know that He, the Creator of all things, the Lord of Hosts, was able to fulfill every prophecy that He had declared. Nothing was impossible for Him. What He said He would do, He would do! He was and is still able to accomplish what He has decreed!

“The Lord who gives us sunlight in the daytime and the moon and stars to light the night, and who stirs the sea to make the roaring waves—his name is Lord Almighty—says this…” -(TLB)

“God will sooner blot out the sun and moon than cast away his people, or any one of them. They shall all be his people, and he shall be their God; he will preserve them, and he will keep his covenant with them forever and forever, blessed be his holy name, the name of Jehovah, the God of the covenant which cannot be broken!” ~Charles Spurgeon

 The question is, do we truly understand and grasp God’s authority and power? What does the Bible teach us about God’s authority and power?

  • All authority and power belong to God: “The True God spoke this once, and twice I’ve heard: that You, the True God, hold all power…” -Psalm 62:11 (VOICE)
  • The Lord has established His own throne, and He rules over everything: “The Eternal has established His throne up in the heavens. He rules over every seen and unseen realm and creature.” -Psalm 103:19 (VOICE)
  • God does what He pleases: “He alone is one True God; who can alter Him? Whatever He desires within Himself, He does.” -Job 23:13 (VOICE)
  • The Eternal is great and powerful: “Now I know this: the Eternal is great; His power is unmatched. Our Master is above any so-called god. He does whatever He pleases, in heaven, on earth, in the seas, and in all the ocean depths.” -Psalm 135:5-6 (VOICE)
  • God establishes all earthly powers: “It is important that all of us submit to the authorities who have charge over us because God establishes all authority in heaven and on the earth.” -Romans 13:1 (VOICE)
  • God can do everything and nothing can stop His plans from coming to pass: “I know You can do everything; nothing You do can be foiled or frustrated.” -Job 42:2 (VOICE)
  • For God, nothing is impossible: “Our Lord is great. Nothing is impossible with His overwhelming power. He is loving, compassionate, and wise beyond all measure.” -Psalm 147:5 (VOICE)

“God’s omnipotence refers to His limitless power and authority. As the all-powerful Creator of the universe, God has complete control over every aspect of nature and can accomplish anything He desires (Jeremiah 32:17). God’s power has no boundaries or limitations, and He wields it perfectly according to His divine will.” ~Amanda Williams

My friend, have you questioned God’s authority and power? I think most of us, if we were honest with ourselves, sadly would say that we have. We have wondered where He was when we were experiencing troubles and pain. We have questioned His abilities and His plans for our lives. But I would remind you of this verse: “Matters not who says a thing will or won’t happen unless the Lord determines that it should.” -Lamentations 3:37 (VOICE) What God says will be, will be. He is the Supreme and Final Authority and Power on all things. Trust His plans for your life.

“God is the ultimate authority simply because He is “the LORD, and there is no other.” It is He who created everything, including mankind. God is the Father of mankind, and as such, He has authority over us.” ~Jeremy Ham

My Prayer:

Adonai Elohim, my Great Lord, please forgive me for those times that I have questioned your authority and power. In those moments, I know I have failed to trust your plan for my life. I am sorry. You, the Creator of all things, the Omnipotent One, the Omniscient One, the Omnipresent One, the Omnibenevolent One, YOU ARE ABLE! I am reminded of something Paul wrote: “Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us, to Him be all glory in the church and in Jesus the Anointed from this generation to the next, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21 (VOICE) When I forget, Lord, please, remind me that nothing is impossible for you. Help me to remember that you hold all authority and power, and YOU ARE ABLE! Thank you, Lord.