God Does the Planting – Jeremiah 31:27

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Jeremiah 31:27 (NIV)

 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will plant the kingdoms of Israel and Judah with the offspring of people and of animals.”

Jeremiah 31:27 (MSG)

“Be ready. The time’s coming”—God’s Decree—“when I will plant people and animals in Israel and Judah, just as a farmer plants seed.”


“Behold (listen carefully), the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast.” -AMPLIFIED

“I will sow the house of Israel: God promised to bless and restore the Jewish people, multiplying both their children and their livestock.” ~David Guzik

In yesterday’s passage, we had a little sidenote from Jeremiah. He shared that the previous section about Israel’s return home was all a sweet dream or vision from the Lord.

“At this I awoke and looked around. My sleep had been most pleasant to me.” -Jeremiah 31:26 (CSB)

After this sidenote, we find Jeremiah continuing to share the news of what will one day happen for the people of the Lord.

Eternal One: “Look! the days are coming when I will plant anew the house of Israel and the house of Judah. I will repopulate the land with people and animals.” -(VOICE)

The Lord shared this news with Jeremiah, who then passed it on to the people.

The day would come, in the future, when the Lord would personally re-plant the house of Israel and Judah. Notice, these two nations, that were once one, would again be united as one. The North and South would join together, restored to what they once were, and the Lord God would bring this to pass.

 Adonai also declares that He will increase and repopulate the people and the animals. This was part of the blessings that came with obedience found in Deuteronomy 28. There we find these words:

“The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.” -Deuteronomy 28:4 (NIV)

“Opening a new message, God repeats the imagery of the previous vision, stating that both man and beast will flourish.” ~Melissa Beaty

NOTE: In the Hebrew language, the word “zera” is the root of both sowing, or planting, and offspring or descendants.

Adonai-Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts, the All-Powerful One, will one day replant, restore, repopulate, and once again bless His people, Israel.

“The Lord says: The time will come when I will greatly increase the population and multiply the number of cattle here in Israel.” -(TLB)

“That is, I will exceedingly multiply them, both with men and with cattle: they are now laid waste, their men are destroyed, or gone into other lands, their profitable beasts are destroyed, and killed up; but it shall not be so always, I will again plant them, and there shall be as great plenty of either as if they were sown. The multiplying both of men and of beasts in nations is God’s blessing.” ~Matthew Poole

Scripture tells us that God sows, He plants, and He does so for a purpose, that He may be glorified. Make note:

  • “All your people will be good. They will possess their land forever, for I will plant them there with my own hands; this will bring me glory. The smallest family shall multiply into a clan; the tiny group shall be a mighty nation. I, the Lord, will bring it all to pass when it is time.” -Isaiah 60:21-22 (TLB)
  • “To all who mourn in Israel he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.” -Isaiah 61:3 (TLB)
  • “Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing. If anyone separates from me, he is thrown away like a useless branch, withers, and is gathered into a pile with all the others and burned. But if you stay in me and obey my commands, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted! My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father.” -John 15:5-8 (TLB)

Jesus told His followers a story, a parable, about a farmer sowing seed. In this story, we are told, the seed represented God’s Message to man, God’s Word. Jesus explained to His disciples what the meaning behind the story was in this way:

“This is what the story means: The seed is God’s teaching. What is the seed that fell beside the road? It is like the people who hear God’s teaching, but then the devil comes and takes it away from their hearts. So they cannot believe the teaching and be saved. What is the seed that fell on rock? It is like those who hear God’s teaching and accept it gladly. But they don’t have deep roots. They believe for a while, but then trouble comes. They stop believing and turn away from God. What is the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? It is like those who hear God’s teaching, but they let the worries, riches, and pleasures of this life keep them from growing. So they never produce good fruit. And what is the seed that fell on the good ground? That is like those who hear God’s teaching with a good, honest heart. They obey God’s teaching and patiently produce good fruit.” -Luke 8:11-15 (ICB)

God gave this Message to Israel, but we too would do well to does the planting in our lives and why:

“I, of course, care about you and will turn My attention on you. Therefore, your soil will be plowed and your fields sown. I will increase the population and replenish the whole community of Israel. I will bring life back into the desolate cities, and heaps of rubble will be turned into grand structures. I will increase the population of people and animals that live on your slopes once again; they will be more numerous, and you will become more productive than ever before! After all these things come to pass, you will know that I am the Eternal.” -Ezekiel 36:9-11 (VOICE)

My friend, I encourage you with these words that Peter gave to us:

“Instead, grow in grace and in the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Anointed, to whom be glory, now and until the coming of the new age. Amen.” -2Peter 3:18 (VOICE)

“Spiritual growth depends on two things: first a willingness to live according to the Word of God; second, a willingness to take whatever consequences emerge as a result.” ~Sinclair B. Ferguson

My friend, the Lord is planting in your life on a daily basis. His desire is for each of us to grow. To grow in our knowledge and grace of who He is and to glorify Him in the process. He is The Gardener, who plants seeds in your life, through His Word, through others, and through His Holy Spirit. Are you allowing those seeds that have been planted in your life to grow? I hope you are. Stay tender to the Lord as H sows into your life. Be fruitful and multiply.

“The quality of the soil determines the future of the seed.” ~Mike Murdock

My Prayer:

Adonai Elohim, my Great Lord, thank you for caring enough to continually sow into my life. I ask that you help me to be receptive and open to the seeds that you are planting in my life. Your intention is for me to grow good fruit. In order to do that, I must be reading your Word, and listening to your Holy Spirit, as you tend to those seeds that you have planted. You are the Master Gardener, and I am reminded that you know exactly what each seed and plant needs. You are tending me with loving-care, watering, and weeding, feeding me with your best fertilizer. I choose to trust the Hands of the Master Gardener, even when I do not understand what you are doing, because your intention is to help me become the best, most fruitful plant I can be. Thank you, Lord.

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