Sweet Rest and Sleep – Jeremiah 31:26

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Jeremiah 31:26 (NIV)

“At this I awoke and looked around. My sleep had been pleasant to me.”

Jeremiah 31:26 (MSG)

“Just then I woke up and looked around—what a pleasant and satisfying sleep!”


“At this I (Jeremiah) awoke and looked, and my [trancelike] sleep was sweet [in the assurance it gave] to me.” -AMPLIFIED

“Jeremiah receives God’s messages in a variety of ways. In this dream-vision, he sees the future for his people. This is a sweet comfort and a welcomed contrast to other messages of doom and judgment. But as Jeremiah will see, God’s message of consolation is not only a hope of restoration for one rebellious nation, but a promise for all people. Jeremiah is perhaps best known as the prophet of the “new covenant.” According to the prophet, God is about to establish a new relationship with a new people. It will be unlike any earlier agreement. It will not be written on stone tablets that can be broken or on scrolls that can be lost or forgotten or even burned (36:23). No, this covenant between God and humanity is so intimate that it is to be written on the heart.” ~VOICE footnote

In yesterday’s passage, we found the Lord telling Israel that He would be the one who would refresh and satisfy them. God’s Message to them:

“Judah and all its cities will live in it together—also farmers and those who move with the flocks— for I satisfy the thirsty person and feed all those who are weak.” ‘Jeremiah 31:24-25 (CSB)

And now we come to a sidenote in the text. Here we find Jeremiah inserting a bit of information that was not a Message from the Lord, as he tells us the manner in which the previous Message was received. Jeremiah tells us:

“At this moment, I woke up from a wonderful sleep and looked around.” -(VOICE)

Immediately after receiving that last bit of information about the Lord giving to Israel refreshment and satisfaction, Jeremiah woke up. Apparently, the Lord was speaking to Jeremiah in a dream or vision, and Jeremiah tells us that it was a wonderful, sweet, satisfying rest.

“At this I awoke and looked, and my sleep had been pleasant to me.” -(NASB)

How sweet it is when our minds go to sleep with the Lord on our mind, and His presence remains with us as we rest. In this instance, the Lord used this opportunity to give to Jeremiah a Message for His people, and that Message was filled with hope and encouragement that was a blessing and pleasant to Jeremiah.

“Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves.” ~Watchman Nee

“(Then Jeremiah wakened. “Such sleep is very sweet!” he said.)” -(TLB)

“Jeremiah now “awakes” from the vision.  Since previous visions have come while he is awake, this may simply refer to the vision itself being sweet.  On the other hand, this could equally have been a vision received in a dream.  God is not limited to the means by which He reveals Himself to His prophets.” ~Melissa Beaty

Scripture reminds us that God desires for us to have sweet rest and sleep.

David tells us that we can have good sleep at night because the Lord supports and sustains us:

“I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.” -Psalm 3:5 (VOICE)

David also tells us that good rest hinges on trusting in the Lord:

“Tonight I will sleep securely on a bed of peace because I trust You, You alone, O Eternal One, will keep me safe.” -Psalm 4:8 (VOICE)

Solomon shares that good sleep comes from a clear conscience, from obeying God:

“My son, never lose sight of God’s wisdom and knowledge: make decisions out of true wisdom, guard your good sense, and they will be life to your soul and fine jewelry around your neck. Then each one of your steps will land securely on your life’s journey, and you will not trip or fall. Your mind will be clear, free from fear; when you lie down to rest, you will be refreshed by sweet sleep. Stay calm; there is no need to be afraid of a sudden disaster or to worry when calamity strikes the wicked, for the Eternal is always there to protect you. He will safeguard your each and every step.” -Proverbs 3:21-26 (VOICE)

“In His time, God gives us rest from every test.” ~Woodrow Kroll

Jesus promised to give His followers rest. His stipulation, they were to go to Him and accept the rest that He has offered you:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest.” -Matthew 11:28-29 (VOICE)

“Christ’s invitation to the weary and heavy-laden is a call to begin life over again upon a new principle–upon His own principle. “Watch My way of doing things,” He says. “Follow Me. Take life as I take it. Be meek and lowly, and you will find Rest.”” ~Henry Drummond

Paul encourages us not to be anxious about things, but instead, pray, give those worries and cares to the Lord, and allow Him to give you peace and rest:

“Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.” -Philippians 4:6-7 (VOICE)

“No soul can be really at rest until it has given up all dependence on everything else and has been forced to depend on the Lord alone. As long as our expectation is from other things, nothing but disappointment awaits us.” ~Hannah Whitall Smith

My friend, the Lord desires for us to have sweet rest and sleep. He is the One who taught us to rest, taking off the seventh day of Creation in order to rest, setting us a precedence to follow. Are you having trouble resting or sleeping? Turn to the Word of God and reread those passages about giving all your cares and worries to the Lord. Remind yourself of the need to trust Him with your cares and worries. Give to Him all those issues and troubles, you were never meant to carry those burdens. Once you have given Him those cares, stop yourself from taking them back. Trust that He will take care of them for you and accept the peace and rest that He desires you to have.

“As long as I am content to know that He is infinitely greater than I, and that I cannot know Him unless He shows Himself to me, I will have Peace, and He will be near me and in me, and I will rest in Him.” ~Thomas Merton

My Prayer:

Adonai Elohim, my Great Lord, I cannot change one thing about my life by worrying over it. I know, I have tried. I am learning that instead; I need to give those cares to you. I need to hand the burdens over and trust you to work all things out for good. Sometimes relinquishing control is a struggle. But letting go and allowing you to work out things in your way, the best way, is the better choice. I am learning! So, Lord, I ask you to remind me, every night, as I lay my head to rest, to first take the time to place every worry, care, and concern into your capable hands, and to leave them there. I am reminded that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think (Eph. 3:20), so I am putting my faith and trust in you. Thank you for being my support, I know I can always rely on and trust in you. ❤