God Brings the Blessings – Isaiah 51:2

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Isaiah 51:2 (NIV)

“…look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was only one man, and I blessed him and made him many.”

Isaiah 51:2 (MSG)

“Yes, ponder Abraham, your father, and Sarah, who bore you. Think of it! One solitary man when I called him, but once I blessed him, he multiplied.”


Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain; for I called him when he was but one, then I blessed him and made him many.”-AMPLIFIED

“With our hectic schedules, sometimes we forget the important things—including the past blessings of God. We take for granted our relationships, our health, and the possessions that God has entrusted to us. Almost as soon as we set foot on land, we forget how God has guided us through the storm.” ~Michael Youssef

In yesterday’s text, we read of God encouraging Israel to look back and remember where they had come from. He implored them to remember who He was to them.

The Lord says, “Listen to me, you that want to be saved, you that come to me for help. Think of the rock from which you came, the quarry from which you were cut.” -Isaiah 51:1 (Good News Translation)

In today’s text, we find God reminding them of His faithfulness to their ancestors Abraham and Sarah. God encourages Israel when they are in a very discouraging place. They felt defeated, and hopeless; God says, remember….remember what I have done for your ancestors. If I could do bless them, I can bless you as well. Case in point:

“Look to your spiritual ancestors—Abraham, your father, and Sarah, who birthed you. Abraham was only one person when I called him. But with generous goodness, I made from him a numerous people.” -(VOICE)

“Remember your ancestors, and what I did for them. Abraham and Sarah were just two people, childless when I called them to their adventure with me. And yet once they choose to listen to my call, and obediently follow me, I blessed them, and made them a great nation.”

In the book of Genesis, we find recorded God’s promise to bless Abraham.

“Some time passed. One day, the word of the Eternal One came to Abram through a vision—a kind of waking dream. Eternal One: Do not be afraid, Abram. I am always your shield and protector. Your reward for loyalty and trust will be immense. Abram: Eternal Lord, what could You possibly give to me that would make that much of a difference in my life? After all, I am still childless, and Eliezer of Damascus stands to inherit all I own. Since You have not given me the gift of children, my only heir will be one of the servants born in my household. Immediately the word of the Eternal One came to him. Eternal One: No, Abram, this man will not be your heir. No one but your very own child will be an heir for you. God took him outside to show him something. Eternal One: Look up at the stars, and try to count them all if you can. There are too many to count! Your descendants will be as many as the stars. Abram believed God and trusted in His promises, so God counted it to his favor as righteousness.” -Genesis 15:1-6 (VOICE)

God reminds Israel that if He was able to keep His promise to Abraham, and He had, then He could keep His promise to them, and He would. God would restore and bless Israel once again.

“Yes, think about your ancestors Abraham and Sarah, from whom you came. You worry at being so small and few, but Abraham was only one when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.” -(TLB)

 “Abraham was one man, from one simple family. Yet God called him alone and increased him. This should remind His people today that God does not need many people to do a great work. He can bless and increase one man alone. Isaiah wanted God’s people – in view here are the returning exiles from Babylon, and those of Israel’s ultimate regathering – to not be discouraged of their small numbers but realize that just as He did great things with Abraham and Sarah, He can do great things through them.” ~David Guzik

David understood the need to trust God, even in the waiting; being careful not to give in to discouragement, and unbelief. David wrote this:

“I waited patiently for God to help me; then he listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path, and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things he did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in him. Many blessings are given to those who trust the Lord and have no confidence in those who are proud or who trust in idols. O Lord my God, many and many a time you have done great miracles for us, and we are ever in your thoughts. Who else can do such glorious things? No one else can be compared with you. There isn’t time to tell of all your wonderful deeds.” -Psalm 40:1-5 (TLB)

“Remembering God’s faithfulness and His matchless love for you will help you to depend on Him in the different seasons of your life.” ~Pat Malia

I remind you of something that James wrote in his epistle: that every good and perfect gift comes done from the Father. And I remind you too, that our God does not change. What He has done for others, He can certainly do for you. Trust Him. James wrote these words of encouragement:

“My dearly loved brothers and sisters, don’t be misled. Every good gift bestowed, every perfect gift received comes to us from above, courtesy of the Father of lights. He is consistent. He won’t change His mind or play tricks in the shadows. We have a special role in His plan. He calls us to life by His message of truth so that we will show the rest of His creatures His goodness and love.” -James 1:16-18 (VOICE)

“Once a Christian gets eaten up with discouragement and unbelief it takes a great deal to shake him out of it. Those two emotions are the masterstrokes of Satan. So long as the child of God maintains an attitude of praise and trust in the Lord, then he is invincible. Once the devil gets him discouraged, that poor man is really going to take a knocking!” ~Alan Redpath

My friend, remember, God wants to bless you. What He has done for others, He can do also for you. He wants to shower you with His blessings, but He can only do so when we choose to be obedient to His call, just as Abraham and Sarah were obedient. Trust Him. He is able to do exactly what He has told you He will do for you. Remember, He loves you, and He only wants what is best for you.

“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”  ~Max Lucado

My Prayer:

Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, please forgive me for those time that I have given in to discouragement, and hopelessness. Yes, there have been times that I have forgotten your faithfulness, and I am so sorry. I know you can be trusted. I know that you have kept your promises in the past, every one of them. You have proven yourself to me. Help me to remember that every good and perfect gift comes from you. Help me to walk in obedience to you, and not fear what lies ahead, but trust that you are working all things out for my good and your glory. You bring the blessings; I am so grateful for this truth. I am counting on and trusting in you, Lord.