God Fights for Us – Isaiah 49:24-25

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Isaiah 49:24-25 (NIV)

“Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives be rescued from the fierce? But this is what the Lord says: “Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.”

Isaiah 49:24-25 (MSG)

“Can plunder be retrieved from a giant, prisoners of war gotten back from a tyrant? But God says, “Even if a giant grips the plunder and a tyrant holds my people prisoner, I’m the one who’s on your side, defending your cause, rescuing your children.”


“Can the spoils of war be taken from the mighty man, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?” Indeed, this is what the Lord says, “Even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, and the tyrant’s spoils of war will be rescued; for I will contend with your opponent, and I will save your children. -AMPLIFIED

“Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away: Babylon, the mighty empire, had taken Zion captive. But even they shall be taken away. God will show His strength and love for Zion by giving unto Babylon what Babylon gave unto Zion, even though they thought it unlikely, as shown by the question of Isaiah 49:24.” ~David Guzik

In yesterday’s text, we were reminded that God has a tendency to do the unexpected. In the case of the people of Israel, this was evident when God foretold to them what would happen once they returned to their homeland, and their children were returned to them:

Kings will be their babysitters and queens their nursing mothers.
    With faces bowed to the ground, they will lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am Yahweh, and I will never disappoint those who entwine their hearts with mine.” -Isaiah 49:23 (The Passion Translation)

In today’s text, Israel is told that Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, will personally fight for them.

Jerusalem: Can the spoil of war be taken from the mighty? Can the captives be freed from the hand of a tyrant? Eternal One: Hard to believe, but it shall be so. The captives will be taken from the hand of the mighty, and the spoil of war will be rescued from the tyrant. I will liberate them from their captors and contend with your enemies. I will save your children.” -(VOICE)

The question is asked, and it is implied that it is asked by the people of Israel, “Who can remove the spoils of war from the hands of a mighty warrior? And how can a prisoner be freed from the powerfully, strong soldier?”

Their trust in God has not come fully into fruition. They are still grabbling with trying to understand “how” God can do what He says He will do.

Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, answers in this way: “Don’t you worry your little heads over something like that. I’ve got this! The captives will be taken away from those strong, mighty soldiers, and there will be nothing that they can do to stop it from happening. I am contending or fighting for you. I will save your children, never fear.”

“Who can snatch the prey from the hands of a mighty man? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go? But the Lord says, “Even the captives of the most mighty and most terrible shall all be freed; for I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children.” -(TLB)

“Yahweh replied that He would indeed save the Israelites’ descendants from their tyrannical captors even though that would be humanly impossible. He is stronger than they.” ~Thomas Constable

Later, in the book of Isaiah, we find Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, promising that He will rebuild their city, and that no weapon raised against His people will ever prosper.

Eternal One: Ah, Jerusalem, so miserable and distressed! I will rebuild you
        with floors of shimmering mosaics, set sapphires in your foundations.

 I will decorate your towers with rubies, and your gates will sparkle with all manner of precious gems.
    Costly jewels will adorn the entire wall that circles your precincts.
Every one of your children, the people who call you home, will be students of the Eternal; oh, they’ll be so happy and live in peace!
This time, you will be founded and grounded on right thought, speech, and action.
    And no one will trouble you, abuse or oppress you; you will know no fear and have no worries.
If a nation marches against you, know that I am not behind it.
    Anyone foolish enough to challenge you will fall to you.
I have created the blacksmith who readies the fire and forges weapons for wars;
    And I have created the destroyer to ravage and ruin.
 But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal;
        I will vindicate them.” -Isaiah 54:11-17 (VOICE)

This promise was to God’s covenant people, Israel; nothing could happen to them unless God allowed it to happen and made it so. God is always in control and in charge. Nothing happens unless He allows it to happen.

Over in the book of Jeremiah, we find Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty telling Jeremiah to not be afraid of their captors, the Babylonians, for He will protect and deliver them from their hands. God said:

“Do not be afraid of them [or their hostile faces], for I am with you [always] to protect you and deliver you,” says the Lord.” -Jeremiah 1:8 (AMP)

Later in the book, we once again find God declaring that He will fight for His people, and He will not quit until they are once again free. Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, declared:

“The Lord says: The people of Israel and Judah have been wronged. Their captors hold them and refuse to let them go.  But their Redeemer is strong. His name is the Lord Almighty. He will plead for them and see that they are freed to live again in quietness in Israel. As for the people of Babylon—there is no rest for them!” -Jeremiah 50:33-34 (TLB)

So then, we need to consider what Paul wrote to the Romans and take it to heart. If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

“So what should we say about this? If God is for us, then no one can defeat us. God let even his own Son suffer for us. God gave his Son for us all. So with Jesus, God will surely give us all things. Who can accuse the people that God has chosen? No one! God is the One who makes them right. Who can say that God’s people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesus died, but that is not all. He was also raised from death. And now he is on God’s right side and is begging God for us. Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us? Can troubles or problems or sufferings? If we have no food or clothes, if we are in danger, or even if death comes—can any of these things separate us from Christ’s love? As it is written in the Scriptures: “For you we are in danger of death all the time. People think we are worth no more than sheep to be killed.” But in all these things we have full victory through God who showed his love for us. Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from the love God has for us. Not death, not life, not angels, not ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, or anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 8:31-39 (ICB)

“If you are facing a battle today that seems overwhelming, give it over to God and let Him fight for you. He will work it all out and make a way where it seems there is no way.” ~M.S.Lowndes

My friend, God still fights for His people, His children. In fact, the battle is the Lord’s to fight, not ours. Our job is to allow Him to have His will and way in our lives, and to trust that He is doing all things for our good and His glory. Our part in the battle will be fought on our knees. Do you trust your God?

“No matter what you are going through or what storms you are facing in life, take your position. Don’t give up. Stand still. Enter God’s rest. See the salvation of the Lord. Quit worrying and trying to figure out everything that is happening around you. And above all, worship God. Remember, no matter what your battle is, it is not yours; the battle belongs to the Lord, and He has a plan to bring you victory.”
~Joyce Meyer

My Prayer:

Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, too often I have tried to fight my battles on my own, not trusting you to work all things out for my good. I have quickly found out that I am not capable of handling things. Lord, please forgive me for not trusting you, and believing that you are able to do exactly what you say you can do. I have messed up. Your Word reminds me that you are fighting for me, all I need do is sit back and allow you to do what is needed to be done. I am reminded that my part will be played out on my knees. Help me, Lord, to take my part in this battle seriously, and to allow you to do what you do best. Thank you, Lord. I am so blessed to be counted among your children. Thanks for your love. ❤

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