Draw Near to God – Isaiah 48:16

Isaiah 48:16 (NIV)

“Come near me and listen to this: “From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it happens, I am there.” And now the Sovereign Lord has sent me, endowed with his Spirit.”

Isaiah 48:16 (MSG)

“Come close, listen carefully: I’ve never kept secrets from you. I’ve always been present with you.” And now, the Master, God, sends me and his Spirit with this Message from God your Redeemer, The Holy of Israel.”


“Come near to Me, listen to this: from the beginning I have not spoken in secret, from the time that it happened, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent Me, and His [Holy] Spirit.” -AMPLIFIED

“Look up, you whose gaze is fixed on this earth, who are spellbound by the little events and changes on the face of the earth. Look up to these words, you who have turned away from heaven disappointed. Look up, you whose eyes are heavy with tears and who are heavy and who are crying over the fact that the earth has gracelessly torn us away. Look up, you who, burdened with guilt, cannot lift your eyes. Look up, your redemption is drawing near. something different from what you see daily will happen. Just be aware, be watchful, wait just another short moment. Wait and something quite new will break over you: God will come.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Yesterday’s text reminded us that God is always in charge, and He always accomplishes what He says He will do. This passage in Isaiah was another reminder that the God who knows all things, since the beginning, and until the end of time, has appointed a man, who would be Israel’s deliverer from Babylon.

“Now, all of you gather around and listen. Which of the gods has foretold these things?
    I, Yahweh, love this man, and he will carry out my purpose against Babylon.
    He will be my “arm of might” against the Babylonians! I am the one; yes, I am the one
    who called him by name before he was born. I have led him forward on a prosperous, successful path.” -Isaiah 48:14-15 (The Passion Translation)

God has spoken openly with Israel, He is keeping no secrets, and we find Him doing so once again. In our passage, we find Him encouraging Israel to draw even closer to Him, for He is going to reveal to them even something more important.

“Come even closer, and hear: from the beginning I spoke, not hiding away in hushed secret. I Am and will be; I was before anything was at all. The Lord, the Eternal, has sent me and His Spirit.” -(VOICE)

Jehovah has already instructed the people to, “gather round and listen” in verse 14. Once again, we find Him inviting them to, “come even closer and listen”. God desires intimacy with Israel, a closer relationship. This is something that they had turned away from in the past, but He still desires this with them, nonetheless.

“Come closer and listen. I have always told you plainly what would happen, so that you could clearly understand. And now the Lord God and his Spirit have sent me (with this message):” -(TLB)

“Come near to Me, hear this…. now the Lord GOD and His Spirit have sent Me: This is the Servant of the LORD, the Messiah Himself speaking. Only He was from the beginning. The Messiah is pleading with His people.” ~David Guzik

Further along in the book of Isaiah, we will find God again inviting Israel to come closer to Him.

“Listen! Are you thirsty for more? Come to the refreshing waters and drink.
    Even if you have no money, come, buy, and eat. Yes, come and buy all the wine and milk you desire—
    it won’t cost a thing. Why spend your hard-earned money on something that can’t nourish you
    or work so hard for something that can’t satisfy? So listen carefully to me
    and you’ll enjoy a sumptuous feast, delighting in the finest of food.
Pay attention and come closer to me, and hear, that your total being may flourish. I will enter into an everlasting covenant with you, and I will show you the same faithful love that I showed David.” -Isaiah 55:1-3 (The Passion Translation)

In the book of Psalms, we find Asaph writing of the need to get closer to God. Asaph wrote:

“But I’ll keep coming closer and closer to you, Lord Yahweh,
    for your name is good to me. I’ll keep telling the world of
    your awesome works, my faithful and glorious God!” -Psalm 73:28 (T
he Passion Translation)

James encourages us to draw near to God, come close to Him. By doing so, He will come even closer to us. The Greek word for draw near is “engisate”, it means to approach, or to come near. James wrote:

“Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you. But make sure you cleanse your life, you sinners, and keep your heart pure and stop doubting.” -James 4:8 (The Passion Translation)

Jesus is still saying to us today:

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” -Matthew 11:28-30 (The Passion Translation)

“Our disappointments, our defeats, our times of disillusionment, do not separate us from God Almighty. They actually draw us closer to God. Try and hold on tight to your faith.” ~Kemmy Nola

My friend, let us draw near to God, nearer still, for when we do, then He will draw nearer to us. He is calling each of us, personally, by name. “Come, my child, spend time with me.” Will you answer His call? Will you take time out of your busy day to refresh yourself at His feet? Take that time today.

“God is always drawing us closer, blow by blow and bit by bit. And most of the time we do not even know it is happening.” ~Richard Rohr

My Prayer:

Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, today I take the time to still myself in your holy presence. I desire to be nearer to you, Lord. You have instructed me to draw closer, nearer to you, and in obedience I sit and rest now at your feet. In all the chaos of this world, at your feet is where I need to be. It is in this place where I am refreshed, and renewed. It is here that I learn more of you and of your ways. It is here, at your feet, that I learn of your secrets and mysteries. Lord, reveal yourself to me in a new and fresh way. Allow your heart to touch my heart. Please, Lord, make me more like Jesus. In quietness I rest now, as you speak to me.