Give to God the Honor Due Him – Isaiah 48:5

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Isaiah 48:5 (NIV)

“Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you
so that you could not say, ‘My images brought them about; my wooden image and metal god ordained them.’”

Isaiah 48:5 (MSG)

“So I got a running start and began telling you what was going on before it even happened.
That is why you can’t say, ‘My god-idol did this.’ ‘My favorite god-carving commanded this.’”


“I have declared them to you long ago; before they came to pass I announced them to you, so that you could not say, ‘My idol has done them, and my carved image and my cast image have commanded them.’” -AMPLIFIED

“We glorify God by living lives that honor Him.”
 ~Billy Graham

Isaiah has recorded for us the Message that God had for the kingdom of Judah, which addressed their obstinate, stubborn mentality. God’s Message:

“I knew you were stubborn. Your neck is like a rod of iron,
    and you’re as hard-hearted as brass!” -Isaiah 48:4 (The Passion Translation)

God, in the past, showed His power in declaring the future and having it come to pass quickly. He did so because He knew how ornery and obstinate, they could be, and He also knew how reliant they were on their idols.

Mine idol hath done them – The idols and molten images had not foretold these events and when they came to pass, it could not, therefore, be pretended that they had been produced by idols. By predicting them, Yahweh kept up the proof that he was the true God, and demonstrated that he alone was worthy of their confidence and regard.” ~Albert Barnes

“Way back then, I told you what would happen so that you wouldn’t claim that some other god was responsible—that some figurine you crafted from wood and molded metal commanded and accomplished it.” -(VOICE)

In our text, God gives the reason for why He gave Judah irrefutable evidence of what was going to happen, because He understood that they were a stubborn lot. Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, says to Judah:

“Long ago I told you what would happen. I did this because I realized how stubborn and insubordinate you could be. I knew that you would try to give credit to your “gods”, but those helpless pieces of wood and metal can accomplish nothing. They cannot save you.”

“That is why I told you ahead of time what I was going to do, so that you could never say, “My idol did it; my carved image commanded it to happen!” -(TLB)

Lest you should say: This means that Judah was without excuse. They knew the greatness and power of God, yet they still lived with only a religious image, without a spiritual reality.” ~David Guzik

David wrote of the need to ascribe to the Lord the glory that is due Him, to praise Him and proclaim His majesty. The Voice Translation interprets the opening verse to say, “Give all credit to the Eternal”.

“Proclaim his majesty, all you mighty sons of Yahweh,
    giving all the glory and strength back to him!
Be in awe before his majesty.
    Be in awe before such power and might!
    Come worship wonderful Yahweh, arrayed in all his splendor,
    bowing in worship as he appears in the beauty of holiness.
    Give him the honor due his name.
    Worship him wearing the glory-garments
    of your holy, priestly calling!
The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas.
    The Glory-God reigns as he thunders in the clouds.
    So powerful is his voice, so brilliant and bright—
    how majestic as he thunders over the great waters!
His tympanic thunder topples the strongest of trees.
    His symphonic sound splinters the mighty forests.
Now he moves Zion’s mountains by the might of his voice,
    shaking the snowy peaks with his earsplitting sound!
The lightning-fire flashes, striking as he speaks.

God reveals himself when he makes the fault lines quake,
    shaking deserts, speaking his voice.
God’s mighty voice makes the deer to give birth.
    His thunderbolt-voice lays the forest bare.
    In his temple all fall before him with each one shouting,
    “Glory, glory, the God of glory!”
Above the furious flood, the Enthroned One reigns,
    the King-God rules with eternity at his side.
This is the one who gives his strength and might to his people.
    This is the Lord giving us his kiss of peace.” -Psalm 29 (The Passion Translation)

Judah’s obstinance and unbelief had dire consequences. Their failure to recognize that Jehovah alone was the One, True God would be their downfall. He had proven Himself to them many times. He had given them ample evidence, but yet, they failed to believe that He could predict the future and also bring it to pass. This was a problem, and they had no excuse for their unbelief.

I remind you of something that Balaam said to Balak in the book of Numbers:

“God is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind.
When he says someth
ing, he will do it; when he makes a promise, he will fulfill it.” -Numbers 23:19 (Complete Jewish Bible)

One day, Paul tells us, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

“He gave up his place with God and made himself nothing.
    He was born as a man
    and became like a servant.
And when he was living as a man,
    he humbled himself and was fully obedient to God.
    He obeyed even when that caused his death—death on a cross.
So God raised Christ to the highest place.
    God made the name of Christ greater than every other name.
God wants every knee to bow to Jesus—
    everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.
Everyone will say, “Jesus Christ is Lord”
    and bring glory to God the Father.” -Philippians 2:7-11 (ICB)

And in the book of Revelation, John records for us what will happen in Heaven, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb:

“And I heard what seemed to be an immense crowd speaking with one voice—it was like the sound of a roaring waterfall, like the sound of clashing thunder. Multitude (in unison): Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the All Powerful, reigns supreme.
Now is the time for joy and happiness. He deserves all the glory we can give Him.
    For the wedding feast has begun; the marriage of the Lamb to His bride has commenced,
        and His bride has prepared herself for this glorious day.” -Revelation 19:6-7 (VOICE)

“Don’t miss this! Attention everyone. God keeps his word! God does what he says he will do!” ~Max Lucado

My friend, let us give honor where honor is due, to Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, the One who has created us, and leads and guides us. His fingerprint is on every part of our lives, and we need to acknowledge that we are nothing without Him. Give the Great “I AM” the glory!

“I don’t believe there is one great thing I was made to do in this world. I believe there is one great God I was made to glorify. And there will be many ways, even a million little ways, I will declare his glory with my life.” ~Emily P. Freeman

My Prayer:

Adonai–Tzva’ot, God Almighty, I humbly give to you the honor that is due you. I acknowledge that I am nothing without you. I am who I am because of you, my Creator, Lord, and Savior. Every blessing is poured out from your hand. Every promise that you have made will come to pass, for you cannot tell a lie, and you are always faithful. I know that I can trust you, Lord. I am looking forward to that day when I will stand before your throne and join the masses in singing your praises. Until that day, I will lift my voice and acknowledge that you alone are the One, True God.