Who is your Trust In? – Proverbs 28:26

Growing with God: A daily devotional with Tonia Slimm.

Proverbs 28:26 (NIV)
Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.

Proverbs 28:26 (MSG)
If you think you know it all, you’re a fool for sure; real survivors learn wisdom from others.
“He who trusts confidently in his own heart is a [dull, thickheaded] fool, but he who walks in [skillful and godly] wisdom will be rescued.” -AMPLIFIED

“I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” ~Philip Yancey

Once again we find Solomon marking the difference between trust/hope and self-reliance. Let us remind ourselves what self-reliance is: It is putting hope and confidence in self, one’s own power, strength, resources and abilities to get through live. Solomon tells us:

“Anyone who puts confidence only in himself is a fool, but the person who follows wisdom will be kept safe.” -(VOICE)

Once again we find the “fool” making an appearance in Solomon’s proverbs. Solomon tells us that the person who is trusting in and of himself is a fool. But, the person who walks in wisdom, trusting in God to care for him (implied) will be kept safe.

“A man is a fool to trust himself! But those who use God’s wisdom are safe.”

We all have used such phrases as:

“I’ve got this.” Or, “I can handle this alone.” Or even, “I do not need anyone’s help.”

We think we have everything under our control. We think we’ve got things covered. Sadly, in our pride we are actually telling God that we do not need His help; we can handle things on our own. This, my friend is sin.

“With fear and trembling we must rely upon God for guidance in the inner depths. This is the sole way to walk according to the spirit.” ~Watchman Nee

Jesus cautioned His followers about being self-reliant using the illustration of a self-righteous Pharisee and a hated tax-collector. Jesus told this story:

“He told another parable—this one addressed to people who were confident in their self-righteousness and looked down on other people with disgust.
Jesus: Imagine two men walking up a road, going to the temple to pray. One of them is a Pharisee and the other is a despised tax collector. Once inside the temple, the Pharisee stands up and prays this prayer in honor of himself: “God, how I thank You that I am not on the same level as other people—crooks, cheaters, the sexually immoral—like this tax collector over here. Just look at me! I fast not once but twice a week, and I faithfully pay my tithes on every penny of income.” Over in the corner, the tax collector begins to pray, but he won’t even lift his eyes to heaven. He pounds on his chest in sorrow and says, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” Now imagine these two men walking back down the road to their homes. Listen, it’s the tax collector who walks home clean before God, and not the Pharisee, because whoever lifts himself up will be put down and whoever takes a humble place will be lifted up.” -Luke 18:9-14 (VOICE)

Self-reliance is a form of pride; which God hates.

“The arrogance of the wicked one keeps him from seeking the True God. He truly thinks, “There is no God.”” -Psalm 10:4 (VOICE)

“It is of no use to say to men, “Let not your heart be troubled,” unless you finish the verse and say, “Believe in God, believe also in Christ.” ~Alexander MacLaren

Paul wrote to the Corinthian church about our need to rely on God. He alone qualifies us and gives us the ability to serve Him. Paul wrote:

“Such is the confidence and steadfast reliance and absolute trust that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficiently qualified in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency and qualifications come from God. He has qualified us [making us sufficient] as ministers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not of the letter [of a written code] but of the Spirit; for the letter [of the Law] kills [by revealing sin and demanding obedience], but the Spirit gives life.” -2 Corinthians 3:4-6 (AMP)

It was Solomon who taught us that the fool thinks that everything he does is right in his own eyes.

“Fools follow their own directions and think they are right, but wise people listen intently to advice.” -Proverbs 12:15 (VOICE)

We keep coming back to Solomon’s directive that we need to put our trust in the Lord; no matter what. We need to rely on God and trust that He has our best interests at heart; even when we do not understand “why” things are happening in our life. Solomon tells us:

“Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.” -Proverbs 3:5-6 (VOICE)

We need to take a lesson and learn a lesson from what Jesus taught His disciples; we are reliant on Him for all things:

“I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples.” -John 15:5-8 (MSG)

“In the darkest of nights cling to the assurance that God loves you, that He always has advice for you, a path that you can tread and a solution to your problem–and you will experience that which you believe. God never disappoints anyone who places his trust in Him.” ~Basilea Schlink

My friend, put your trust, hope and confidence in the Creator of the Universe, the Great “I AM”, your Heavenly Father. He is all you need in every situation. He has promised to always be with you. He has been your Leader, Guide and Protector; and He will continue to be those things. He has your best interest at heart. Stop trying to take over His job and trust Him.

“God does not guide those who want to run their own life. He only guides those who admit their need of His direction and rely on His wisdom.” ~Winkie Pratney

My Prayer:
Heavenly Father, forgive me of those times that I have insisted that I can be self-reliant. I humbly acknowledge that I am nothing and can do nothing without you. Lord, I surrender my will to you. Lord, you always were in charge. Forgive my foolishness. Help me to be submissive to you and trust you completely. Whatever lies ahead in this journey of life is already known to you. Give me faith to trust you more, Lord.